Flipside Top 30 Albums of 2012
The following is the top 30 albums released in 2012.
Broadcast of the Flipside Top 30 will be broadcast on WQFS 90.9fm Guilford
College Radio on December 16 from 8-10pm EST.
Honorable Mentions include: Kathleen Edwards
"Voyageur", Allo Darlin' "Europe", Titus Andronicus
"Local Business" , Bob Mould
"The Silver Age", Neil Young and Crazy Horse "Psychedelic
Pill", Ceremony "Zoo",
Terry Malts "Killing Time", Swans "the Seer", Beachwood Sparks "Tarnished Gold", just to mention a few.
30) tie The dB's "Falling
Off the Sky"
30) tie Jay Farrar, Anders Parker, Will Johnson and Jim James
"New Multitudes"
29 )Delta Spirit "Delta
28) The Cribs "In
the Belly of the Brazen Bull"
27)Bob Dylan "Tempest"
26)Redd Kross "Researching
the Blues"
25)Daniel Rossen "Silent
Hour/Golden Mile"
24)The Bayonets "Driver"
23) Pile "Dripping"
22) The Pharmacy "Stoned and Alone"
21) Holograms "Holograms"
20)tie Guided By Voices "Let's Go Eat the Factory"
20)tie Guided By Voices "Class Clown Spots a UFO"
20)tie Guided By Voice
"The Bears for Lunch"
19) Royal Baths
"Better Luck Next Life"
17)Pond "Beard
Wives Denim"
16) the Evens
"the Odds"
15)tie White Fence/Ty Segall "Hair"
15)tie Ty Segall Band "Slaughterhouse"
15)tie Ty Segall "Twins"
14)WOODS "Bend Beyond"
13)Lower Dens
"Arab Spring"
11) Dan Deacon
10) Dinosaur Jr "I Bet on Sky"
"Celebration Rock"
8) Richard Hawley
"Standing at the Sky's Edge"
7) Death Grips
"The Money Store"
6) Sharon Van Etten
5) Howler "Give Up America"
4) PS I Love You
"Death Dreams"
3) Dusted "Total
2) Cloud Nothings "Attack On Memory"
1) Tame Impala "Lonerism"