Tuesday, December 11, 2012

best of 2012-albums

Flipside Top 30 Albums of 2012

 Here it is, what all of you have been waiting for.

The following is the top 30 albums released in 2012. Broadcast of the Flipside Top 30 will be broadcast on WQFS 90.9fm Guilford College Radio on December 16 from 8-10pm EST.

 Overall, one of the better years for albums in recent history. At the very least one of the deepest. When considering albums for the list, over 50 I would have considered worthy making the list. We pared the list down to 30 with the obligatory ties as we've done with past lists. This year has more first time artists along with the first hip hop entry.

Honorable Mentions include: Kathleen Edwards "Voyageur", Allo Darlin' "Europe", Titus Andronicus "Local Business" , Bob Mould  "The Silver Age", Neil Young and Crazy Horse "Psychedelic Pill", Ceremony "Zoo",  Terry Malts "Killing Time", Swans "the Seer", Beachwood Sparks "Tarnished Gold", just  to mention a few.

30) tie The dB's  "Falling Off the Sky"

30) tie Jay Farrar, Anders Parker, Will Johnson and Jim James  "New Multitudes"

29 )Delta Spirit  "Delta Spirit"

28) The Cribs  "In the Belly of the Brazen Bull"
27)Bob Dylan "Tempest"

26)Redd Kross  "Researching the Blues"

25)Daniel Rossen  "Silent Hour/Golden Mile"

24)The Bayonets  "Driver"

23) Pile  "Dripping"

22) The Pharmacy  "Stoned and Alone"

21) Holograms  "Holograms"

20)tie Guided By Voices  "Let's Go Eat the Factory"

20)tie Guided By Voices  "Class Clown Spots a UFO"

20)tie Guided By Voice  "The Bears for Lunch"

19) Royal Baths  "Better Luck Next Life"

18)Metz  "Metz"

17)Pond  "Beard Wives Denim"

16) the Evens  "the Odds"

15)tie White Fence/Ty Segall "Hair"

15)tie Ty Segall Band "Slaughterhouse"

15)tie Ty Segall "Twins"

14)WOODS "Bend Beyond"

13)Lower Dens  "Nootropics"

12)Literature  "Arab Spring"

11) Dan Deacon  "America"

10) Dinosaur Jr "I Bet on Sky"

9)Japandroids  "Celebration Rock"

8) Richard Hawley  "Standing at the Sky's Edge"

7) Death Grips  "The Money Store"

6) Sharon Van Etten  "Tramp"

5) Howler "Give Up America"

4) PS I Love You  "Death Dreams"

3) Dusted  "Total Dust"

2) Cloud Nothings "Attack On Memory"

1) Tame Impala "Lonerism"





Sunday, October 7, 2012

We're Back!!!!!

WQFS is back on the air. The first show back had some technical difficulties beyond my control. The wattage was equal to that of a compact fluorescent light bulb, no PSA's, no webcast, no podcast, but you have to take baby steps. The new studio likes great although it's like moving into a new house, everything was still in boxes, no sense of order. But it was good to be back.


As always I'm behind on the playlists., in to help out.  Lots of new music , five months to cover,  Let us proceed, shall we?


September 15, 2012 6-8am

Breeders "Flipside"-only natural we start here

Japandroids "The Nights of Wine and Roses"

Corin Tucker Band "Neskowin"

And You will Know Us By the Trail of the Dead "Up to Infinity"

Pavement "Stop Breathin"

Richard Hawley "Down to the Woods"

Tame Impala "Apocalypse Dream"

Twerps "Work It Out"

The Lemonheads "Mrs Robinson"

Henry Clay People "Hide"

Sic Alps "Glyph"

Duke Stamina "Pain"

Frank Black "Headache"

Allo Darlin "Neil Armstrong"

The Orwells "In My Bed"

PS I Love You "Don't Go"

The Minutemen "This Ain't No Picnic"

Best Coast  "Last Year"

Lower Dens "Candy"

Bob Mould "The Decent"

Sugar "The Act We Act"

The Db's "That Time Is Gone"

Sebadoh "Keep the Boy Alive"

Dusted  "Property Line"

The Gories "There But For the Grace of God Go I"

Pond "Leisure Pony"

The Cribs "Come On and Be a No-One"

The Semis "Burn Your Eyes Like the Sun"

The English Beat "Twist And Crawl"

Dinosaur Jr "Watch the Corners"

Waymond Miles "Pale Moon"

Friday, September 14, 2012

Wahoo! We are back on the air tomorrow morning for the first time since April with the Flipside. Check me out on WQFS where I'll be playing new rock from PS I Love You, Richard Hawley, Sebadoh, Bob Mould and sooooo much more.

One little problem, we will not be web casting this week and the transmitter has as much power as a light bulb. Nevermind, it will still be a great show, hope those of you within a five block radius of Guilford College get to catch it,  6-8am  EST on Your Only Alternative, WQFS

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happiness, great news regarding WQFS and the return to the airwaves coming soon!

Stay tuned!!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

HALF WAY HOME- the best of 2012 albums, so far......

Yeah, I know,  it's been a while since I thrown out my overtly over stated ramblings about the world of music for public scrutiny. The people who frequent this blog appear to have given up and the fewer visitors in my stats page has made that apparent . Let's face it, I didn't want to say anything until I have something to say. The lack of the radio show as a means of venting has bottled up enough useless energy that I will cause my brain to blow up with the force of a thousand Mount Saint Helens.  And so we get to the halfway point of 2012.

It's been a pretty good year so far for album releases.  I am throwing into the mix albums along with select EPs, by far a better fare than those offered up in 2011, and we  are only half way through the year. Here's a few select choices for the year so far:

"Attack on Memory"  by Cloud Nothings - a band with potential that actually lives up it, novel thought. The follow up to their 2010 debut shows that not only can they rock but rock intelligently. One of the best bands to come from a vibrant scene in Northern Ohio and the spirit is captured on this album.

"Tramp" by Sharon Von Etten- Listening to this album was like your emotions getting their ass kicked. Call me a softie but I'm a sucker for records about shattered relationships, etc... No better record this year so far in capturing the feeling of pain.

"Better Luck Next Life" by the Royal Baths-a number of albums  have surprised me this year. If you weren't hooked on this band before, listen to the seven minute track "Burned".

"Arab Spring" by Literature- another band from Ohio (this time Southwestern Ohio). Imagine taking the band Big Trouble, mixing in the Strokes and throw in the music texture of Let's Active. Start to finish, a complete album with little filler.

"Death Dreams" by PS I Love You- Duo from Ontario, close enough to Detroit to pick up that motor city swagger of the MC5, lead vocals that sound like the Cure's Robert Smith on meth (that's good). You'll be hearing more from Paul Saulnier in the future, the man can play guitar.

"Sweet Heart Sweet Light" by Spiritualized-a band that's been around for years, this may be they're best album to date. Get well Jason Pierce!

"America Give Up" by Howler- band from Minneapolis, the band congers up memories of twin city bands of the past along with a touch of Jesus and the Mary Chain.

Bad Bibles , self titled EP- bicoastal post punk band formed from a dissolved  syn-pop band(?).  Four songs on the EP are more memorable than much of what has come out this year.

"Killing Time" by Terry Malts- Drunk rock re-incarnated, sloppy guitar driven rock with a brain, albeit maybe not a sober one. Tracks include "I'm Neurotic" and " No Sir, I am Not a Christian". What's not to like?

"Celebration Rock" by Japandroids- I anticipated a good follow up to 2009's "Post Nothing" but got blown out of the water. Husker Du for summer people, the albums awakens ghosts from rocks past that should be exercised.

"Driver" by the Bayonets- formally known as Caleb Caudle and the Bayonets, the Winston Salem band has put out another one of my surprise album picks. The jump from "Snake River" to this album is monumental. Check them out at  http://bandcamp.com/ .

"The Money Store" by Death Grips-the best hip hop album I've heard in ages. Combination of techno, rock and super f-ed up beat signatures, the album seriously kicks, check out "Hacker" and "Blackjack".

"Falling Off the Sky" the dB's- a magnificent comeback, the first with original lineup in 30 years. The band does not lose any of the creative energy that made them regulars in the college rock crowd back in the 1980's. Gentlemen, where have you been?

"Let's Eat the Factory" & "Class Clown Spots a UFO" by Guided By Voices- First release of any new guided  music since 2003 and the first with the "classic" line up since 1995's "Alien Lanes". After touring all last year the band has managed to recreate some of that magic. Purists will argue that it isn't Lanes or "Bee Thousand" but at least we get the real thing back.

"Burned Youth" by Lantern- Stick me in a garage with this band anytime. Band from Philly, Burned Youth  takes us on a trip from the Thirteenth Floor Elevators to Velvet Underground with their fuzzy low- fi back drop. This album has the hooks that make you want more.

"Slaughterhouse" by the Ty Segall Band-including two hold-overs from 2011's year end list, Ty Segall and Mikal Cronin, TSB gives us a journey through multiple rock genres and leaves the garage to do it. Listen to "The Tongue" , it echoes early 80's Huskers, "Tell Me What's Inside Your Heart" 60's Brit Pop. Ty's done it again. (and has yet another new release slated for September!)

New Multitudes, self titled- indie super group doing Woody Gutherie songs? Not a far-fetched notion. But when they are Yim Yames,  Jay Farrar, Will Johnson and Anders Parker, putting music to Woody's lyrics, this is something special.

"Standing At the Sky's Edge" by Richard Hawley-studio musician extraordinaire , Hawley's seventh solo album is musically his best (and most successful commercially). The album moves between Psychobilly and Indie Pop.

"Beard Wives Denim" by Pond- band from Perth Australia that got great exposure at SXSW, the release of BWD has showcased the bands pop sensibilities without shedding any of the psych-rock soul. Check out "Leisure Pony" , you'll be a believer.

"Fear Fun" by Father John Misty -J Tillman's (late of Fleet Foxes)moniker, the first release under the Father John name, the album could have been Laurel Canyon but is more a sampling of Americana mixed with Beatlemania.

King Tuff self titled-San Francisco DIY move out of the garage and turn a fantastic album without losing the garage feel. Not quote polished but not low fi either, the pains of a band growing.

"Total Dust" by Dusted-Dusted is Brian Borcherdt (Holy Fuck, LIDS) and Leon Taheny (Final Fantasy, Rituals, Bruce Peninsula (band) ) and the album would appear to be low fi but none of the low fi noise. Instead the album focuses on melody.

Also considered Jack White "Blunderbuss",  Allo Darlin "Europe", A Place to Bury Strangers "Worship", Little Bighorn "Chaperones" and so much more. The list above is a sampling, Listen in on WQFS in August for more great new music.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Blow it Up!

My apologies to those of you who followed  my blog until I seemingly fell off the earth. I am posting what may my last show on WQFS, its at least my last show until August when Guilford College finishes the renovations to the station.  I have seriously enjoyed dj'ing on the weekends. Its allowed me to reconnect with one of my true loves (obsessions), music. I appreciate the support the people at Guilford College and the readers of the blog have given me over the past two years. Hopefully we will return with a vengeance in the Fall to bring more new rock to the masses.

The playlist from today's show listed below is divided into two sections, the usual new music format and the second which is music that has touched me in one form or another over the past, well, many years.  Another show under the belt, another glorious mess:

Breeders "Flipside" -off Last Splash (1993) show theme, played every Saturday morning at 6am of course.

Nenah Cherry and the Things "Dream Baby Dream"(Suicide cover) - truly different take on a classic. Bravo.

Howler "Back of Your Neck" radio edit - this is still one of my favorite album of the year.

Pond "Moth Wings" - I would have hoped to play more from the band, so little time.

Young Hines "Can't Explode"  - 90s style quiet start, blows up at the end, great song.

A Place to Bury Strangers "Burning Plastic " - off the soon to released album Worship. 

Japandroids "the House That Heaven Built" - Fun song from one of my favorite two piece bands .

Deer Tick "Born At Zero"  - song is too damn good to not be played on the air given the language issues. from the ep Tim, a shout out to the Mats.

 WALK "Anniversary"  - I could play this song every week, off the Icebreaker ep.  

Royal Baths "Be Afraid of Me" - Off Better Luck Next Life, this is one of my favorite pure rock albums of the year so far.   

Dirty Projectors "Gun has No Trigger" - brand new from an album yet to be named.

The Bayonets "Bottles and Cans" - Off self titled record, band from Winston Salem that sounds big time. 

Terry Malts "Tumble Down" - another one of the songs I can play anywhere anytime. Drunk rock at its best.

Plants and Animals "The End of That" - not sure if this appears on the latest album or if its a single release but it has a 90's vibe to it and a soul of Leonard Cohen.

At this point in the show we take a step back and go retrospective;

Elvis Costello "Lipstick Vogue" - Off This Years Model. Arguably one of the best drum solos I've ever heard.

The Smithereens "Behind the Wall of Sleep"  - off 1985's Especially for You. For most of us, this was the first we heard from one of the truly great band of our time

Cream "NSU"  - off 1966's Fresh Cream. Always loved Clapton's rhythm guitar work in this song.

The Thermals "No Culture Icons"  - off 2003's More Parts Per Million,  one of those songs that good me listening to rock  

Big Star "September Gurls"- Alex Chilton RIP

Violent Femmes "Add It Up" - I would be remiss in not playing this song during my time on the air. A song that is single handedly associated with me at a some liberal arts college in Ohio.

David Bowie "Hang on to Yourself"-  off Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, one of those tracks that doesn't make it to the airwaves. This is my public service.

The Ramones "Beat on the Brat" - RIP Joey, Johnny and Dee Dee.

The Clash "Complete Control" - one of my favorite Clash songs, its an honor to play it on the radio.

Guided By Voices "Game of Pricks" - Someone once wrote that this was the best John Lennon song he never wrote. I Concur!

Pavement "Trigger Cut" - off Slanted and Enchanted. Everybody always plays Summer Girls but this is just as good.

The Replacements "Hold My Life " - off Tim of course.

The B-52's "52 Girls"  I can't stress the impact the band had on me. I saw back in 1983 with Ricky Wilson on guitar. Still one of the best shows I've seen.

Pylon "Cool" -an influence to all, in Georgia and out.

Deerhunter "Revival " - off Halcyon Digest. the most current song played in the last hour.

REM "The End of the World As We Know It and I Feel Fine" -appropriate.

Thirteenth Floor Elevators "You're Gonna Miss Me"

I'll keep you posted on the blog. Stayed tuned.

Until next time we'll see ya......

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Okay, folks. It's been a while, I know but we're a quarter of the way through the year and its about time to dust off the keyboard and get back to business.

Since my last post many wonderful (some not so wonderful) things have happened. For one, the Flipside was moved back to its original time slot of 6-8am on Saturdays. Still on the great WQFS 90.9fm, starting off the weekend with the best new indie and alt rock that we can get our hands on. Still on Your Only Alternative, Guilford College Radio.

Secondly, and this could be interpreted as being not so wonderful, we will be off the air coming in late April. Not just the Flipside but the whole station. The good news is that the station, which has remained relatively unchanged in its own little corner in Founders Hall since 1970, is undergoing a massive renovation. Our new digs will be up and running by August (from what I'm told). It will be bigger, bolder and most importantly, brighter. Not to say the station currently looks like a dungeon but it looks like a dungeon and smells like on too.

During this time I will be keeping up the blog with thoughts and musings, starting with my thoughts on the first three months of 2012, and throwing my two cents in periodically for good measure. By the time the new station is up and running the Flipside will be podcasting and likely back dating shows all the way into 2010. Hope to hear from you soon!