Sunday, August 14, 2011


We'll get caught up somehow, be patient. Lots of new music, Plenty catching up to do, Let us proceed, shall we?

July 17, 2011 8-10PM

Breeders "Flipside"-Again, it's only natural we start here
Fruit Bats "Tangie and Ray"
Kurt Vile "Jesus Fever"
Jeff the Brotherhood "Mellow Out"
White Denim "Street Joy"
Megafaun "These Words"
Rosebuds "Go Ahead"
EMA "Milkman"
REM "9-9"
Old 97's "Brown Haired Daughter"
Devo "Gut Feeling/Slap Your Mammy"
Five Eight "Ode to Massachusetts"
Portugal the Man "Everything You See (Kids Count Hallelujahs)"
War On Drugs "Come to the City"
Erland and the Carnival "This Night"
Boston Spaceships "Christmas Girl"
Guided By Voices "Best of Jill Ives"
Elanor Friedberger "My Mistakes"
Obits "Beggin Dogs"
Broadcaster "Vacation Days"
The Db's "Amplifier"
Big Troubles "Misery"
Sleeping in the Aviary "You Don't Have to Drive"
Pavement "Summer Babe (Winter Version)"
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks "Tiger"
We Were Promised Jetpacks "Act On Impulse"
The Asteroid No 4 "Ignition Slated for Eight"
Black Whales "Lately"
Oax "Love and Crushing"
Army Navy "The Long Goodbye"
Apex Manor "Under the Gun"
Flashguns "Come and See the Lights"

Another one down, let's take this even further, another day..


Let's get to it......shall we?

July 24, 2011 8-10PM

Dum Dum Girls "Coming Down" -no theme music today, straight into the good stuff
Roadside Graves " Double Feature"
Fruit Bats "Tangie and Ray"
Kurt Vile "Freeway"
They Might Be Giants "Judy Is Your Viet Nam"
Real Estate "It's Real"
REM "Fall On Me(Alt version) "
War On Drugs "Come to the City"
Letting Up Despite Great Faults "Teenage Tide"
Turf War "Cheers to the Years"
Times New Vikings "It's A Culture"
The Lions "Groove (Scene 1)""
Animal Collective "Summertime Clothes"
Jaccuzi Boys "Cool Vapors"
Obits "Shift Operator"
Old 97's "Brown Haired Daughter"
Cults "Bumper"
Mikal Cronin "Apathy"
Tape N Tapes "Freak Out"
Blitzen Trapper "American Goldwing"
Smoke Fairies "Hotel Room"
St Vincent "Surgeon"
Dengue Fever " Cement Slippers"
UV Race "Inner North"
Lloyd Cole and the Commotions "Rattlesnakes"
Christmas Island "Poisoner"
The Rosebuds "Go Ahead"
Girls "Vomit"
Oax "Liar Cheat Jerk"
The Asteroid No 4 "The Unknown"

Moving right along, only two more I we are caught up. Stay Tuned.

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